How the Breathe EZ Air Cleaner Can Help Reduce Radon Levels in Your Home
The air inside your home plays a significant role in your family’s health and well-being, but not all dangers in the air are easy to spot. Radon (a naturally occurring radioactive gas) is invisible, odorless, and present in varying levels in homes across the country. Long-term exposure to high levels of radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, making it a serious concern for homeowners.
Understanding radon and its potential risks is a critical step in helping protect your home and family. Radon tests are the primary method for detecting this hidden danger, but what exactly do these tests measure? And if your test results reveal high radon levels, what can you do to improve indoor air safety?
In this guide, we’ll cover what radon tests actually detect, why they’re essential, and how addressing radon and its decay products with a Breathe EZ Air Cleaner can lead to a healthier, safer living environment.
What Radon Tests Measure
Radon forms when uranium naturally decays in soil, rock, and water. As it seeps into homes through cracks in the foundation, walls, or other entry points, radon can accumulate to levels that pose serious health risks. While the gas itself isn’t harmful, the byproducts of radon decay—called radon decay products (RDPs)—are the main culprits.
RDPs are tiny radioactive particles left behind as radon gas decays. These particles attach to dust, smoke, and other airborne materials. When inhaled, the particles can “stick” to your lungs and increase your risk of health problems like lung cancer. It's crucial to have a solution like the Breathe EZ Air Cleaner, which is designed to capture these harmful particles, in your home.
Why Testing Is So Important
Since radon can’t be seen or smelled, testing is the only way to detect its presence in your home. By identifying the presence of RDPs, radon tests empower you to take informed steps toward protecting your indoor air and your family’s health.
While there technically isn’t a “safe” radon level, the EPA only recommends taking action if your levels are above 4 pCi/L (picoCuries per liter of air). Regularly testing your home or setting up a radon monitoring device helps you know where your levels stand. If they exceed that 4 pCi/L threshold, you’ll need to address the problem with mitigation solutions.
Can Radon Be Filtered Out of the Air?
Technically, you can’t filter out radon gas. But you can filter out radon decay products. Not every filter is made the same, though. Your standard air filter might trap air contaminants like dust, pollen, and dander, but they don’t stop RDPs. However, innovative products like the Breathe EZ Air Cleaner are specifically designed to tackle high radon levels (and more) in homes.
Replacing your regular air filter with a Breathe EZ filter can significantly reduce the RDPs in your home’s air. In a group study, four Colorado homes with high radon levels each had a Breathe EZ Air Cleaner installed. The homes were tested before and after installation, and the results were extremely successful. All homes fell within EPA guidelines—and one home even saw a remarkable 98% reduction in RPDs.
The Technology Behind the Breathe EZ Air Cleaner
The Breathe EZ filter is designed to integrate seamlessly into your home’s existing HVAC system. Once a trained professional installs the filter, they’ll test your HVAC system to ensure the filter is secure and air flows as it should. Then, you can sit back and relax as the Breathe EZ filter works its magic in your home.
Regular air filters typically use materials like pleated fabric to capture air particles. However, they are unable to stop tiny particles like RDPs from spreading throughout your home. Even HEPA filters can only trap particles 0.3 microns or larger.
The Breathe EZ Air Cleaner is a carbon-infused electronic air cleaner featuring carbon strips and fiberglass media. It uses an electrical charge to actively pull and trap particles as small as .007 microns, making it an effective air filter for radon decay products.
Does the Breathe EZ Air Cleaner Work Without a Mitigation System?
The Breathe EZ filter can trap RDPs but cannot stop radon gas. The filter is designed to complement a radon mitigation system, not replace it.
A radon mitigation system addresses the root cause of radon entry into your home by preventing radon gas from seeping in through the foundation. It also reduces radon levels by venting the gas outside before it can build up indoors. However, traditional radon mitigation systems do not specifically target the existing RPDs in the air.
You need to install a radon mitigation system to lower the amount of radon gas in your home and a Breathe EZ Air Cleaner to capture any remaining radon decay products.
Why the Breathe EZ Filter Is a Must-Have for Homeowners
The Breathe EZ filter is more than just an air filter to remove radon decay products. It helps enhance your home’s overall air quality.
Indoor air can be polluted by everything from chemical cleaning products to germs. The Breathe EZ Air Cleaner works hard to filter out air contaminants like:
Radon decay products
Mold spores
Pet dander
Smoke (tobacco, exhaust, etc.)
Viruses and bacteria
The Breathe EZ filter is also the only electronic filter that impacts odors and volatile organic air compounds.
You can rest (and breathe) easily knowing your home’s indoor air quality is greatly improved. You’ll have less dust to tackle daily, and your family will be better protected from the harmful health effects of RDPs, germs, and allergens.
Ready to Breathe Easy? Turn to the Radon Guys
Ready to reduce the radon levels in your home and improve your indoor air quality? Turn to The Radon Guys in Nashville. We offer a range of residential radon mitigation solutions, including Breathe EZ Air Cleaners, to minimize your radon levels and help protect your family from harmful air contaminants. Contact our team today to learn how we can help you breathe easier tomorrow.