Radon Information, Tips, and FAQ
Do I Need a Crawl Space Encapsulation?
How do you mitigate a crawl space? Crawl space encapsulation is a crucial component for your mitigation system to work properly…
Clearing the Air: Do Air Purifiers Help with Radon
Do air purifiers help remove radon? No—but that doesn't mean you should skip the purifier. Learn why air purifiers don't help with radon and about the benefits they DO offer.
Should I Buy a House with Radon Mitigation System?
Should you buy a home with a radon system? The answer depends. Read more on what to look for when home buying and during radon inspection.
Radon Testing: Is Your Home a Radon House?
Testing for radon these days is much more simple and accurate than in the past.
What is Radon?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. It is a byproduct of uranium decay, a common element found in soil and rock…
Radon & Real Estate: Contracts, Closing Dates and More
After a buyer’s offer is accepted, Radon testing occurs during the inspection period. The completed test will either read as “pass” or “fail.”
Passive Systems: A Double-Edged Sword
Passive systems are supposed to be a positive for everybody, including the homeowner, realtors and the installer.
Radon: Does It Matter When I Test?
Your radon test came back low. Does this mean you never have to worry about radon mitigation? The answer to that question may surprise you.