Is Your Radon Fan Working? How to Ensure Effective Radon Mitigation

Radon fans are a key component of active radon mitigation systems, designed to reduce radon gas levels in buildings like your home. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can seep into homes and other structures from the soil, posing health risks when concentrated indoors.

Given their vital role in maintaining healthy air quality, you need to make sure your radon fan is working effectively. In this guide, we’ll cover how radon fans work, signs of potential issues, and steps to keep your system functioning at its best.

What Is a Radon Fan and How Does it Work?

A radon fan is a specialized, high-performance fan that draws radon-laden air from beneath a building and vents it safely above the roofline, where it disperses harmlessly into the atmosphere. Think of it like the fan in your bathroom or above the stove in your kitchen — it keeps air moving so radon doesn’t build up or get stuck inside your home. 

Radon fans are typically part of sub-slab depressurization systems, the most common type of active mitigation system. They can also be retroactively added to passive radon systems

In a sub-slab depressurization system, a pipe is installed through your basement floor, crawlspace, or sump pit. It needs to reach beneath your foundation, where radon gas can collect and seep in. A fan attached to this pipe pulls radon gas up and pushes it outside through a vent pipe. The radon fan is usually placed in your attic, garage, or outside your home to prevent radon from leaking back inside.

Does a Radon Fan Run All the Time?

Yes, radon fans run continuously to maintain low radon levels. Since radon gas is released from the soil 24/7, the fan needs to operate at all times to maintain acceptable indoor air levels. If the fan is turned off, radon will accumulate in your house and pose health risks to you and your family. 

How Long Does a Radon Fan Last?

Radon fans are durable but not immune to wear and tear. Most manufacturer warranties will cover the fan for 5 years, but many fans will last way longer before needing to be repaired or replaced. And if you choose The Radon Guys as your mitigation experts, you can enjoy a 10-year warranty on your fan. Even if the fan is out of the manufacturer's warranty, we’ll replace it for free.

Radon fan lifespan can vary based on factors like quality, installation location (fans in attics will likely last longer than those installed outside), and maintenance. Signs your radon fan may need to be replaced include:

  • The fan stops running entirely or won’t turn on

  • The fan makes unusual and loud noises

  • No airflow or suction when you check the system

  • Both sides of the system manometer read 0”

How to Tell If My Radon Fan Is Working

Without the fan, your radon mitigation system can’t function, and radon can build up to dangerous levels. By ensuring the fan works, you can protect your health, maintain the system’s effectiveness, and avoid wasting your mitigation investment. Here are some ways you can check that your fan is still working as it should: 

Check the Manometer

Thankfully, active radon systems feature a U-tube manometer, a visual indicator of fan performance. This U-shaped tube is installed on the pipe near the suction point and contains a colorful liquid that shows airflow: 

  • Uneven liquid levels (higher on one side of the U than the other) indicate the fan works.

  • Even liquid levels suggest the fan might not be running or there’s a blockage in the system.

Monitor Radon Levels

One of the surest signs you have an issue with your radon fan (or other parts of the system) is a radon level above 4 pCi/L. A radon monitoring device can help you keep tabs on your home’s levels.

Inspect the Fan Housing and System

Check the fan, pipes, and vent for visible damage, disconnections, or blockages (e.g., debris or ice). A damaged or blocked system can prevent proper operation. 

At the exhaust point of the vent pipe (usually above the roofline), you should be able to feel or hear airflow. If you don’t have direct access to the exhaust, a radon mitigation professional can confirm the system and its fan are working properly during a check-up. 

Regular inspections and keeping your system clear of debris are crucial for reducing strain on your fan. The Radon Guys offer convenient radon system service packages that include annual inspections and cleanouts to help ensure everything is working as it should. 

Where Can I Get a Radon Fan Replacement?

If your fan needs to be replaced, contact a radon professional like The Radon Guys in Nashville. An expert can recommend the right fan for your system, install it, and ensure everything functions properly.

Not sure if your radon mitigation system is working correctly? A malfunctioning radon fan could be compromising your home's air quality. Let The Radon Guys help with a thorough inspection and expert maintenance. We can repair or replace your radon mitigation system to ensure it's operating efficiently. Schedule your service visit today and breathe easier knowing your system is in top shape.


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